Birgit loves to read

so many books, so little time! my SUB is out of control... I just love books and try to read as much as possible, which isn't all that much considering my two kids under 4 and an undergraduate study I just started... 

Lucy in the Sky

Lucy in the Sky - Paige Toon Ein ganz nettes Buch mit tollen Location-Beschreibungen. So als wäre man dort. Wenn man mal in der Geschichte drinnen ist, kann man das Buch fast nicht mehr weglegen Allerdings fand ich die Hauptfiguren etwas unglaubwürdig und den Schluss definitiv zu schnell. Schade. 20 Seiten mehr hätten nicht geschade!

Peas and Thank You: Simple Meatless Meals the Whole Family Will Love

Peas and Thank You: Simple Meatless Meals the Whole Family Will Love - Sarah Matheny I like Mama Pea. Her blog is funny and The book doesn't disapoint either.
Nearly every receipe is marked as "try it!"

Elizabeth I in Film and Television: A Study of the Major Portrayals

Elizabeth I in Film and Television: A Study of the Major Portrayals - Bethany Latham I liked the book. The beginning was a bit slow, but after the first 100 pages, I couldn't put it down. I could really see and fell the life on court - something not every author can do (to pull me completely into a story or setting).
I'm not a history nerd and wasn't really interested in Henry VIII. before, but now I think I have to put an official biography of Anne or Mary Boleyn on my to-read list.

Happy Ever After

Happy Ever After: Book Four in the Bride Quartet - Nora Roberts I loved the whole Bride Quartet Series - but the others more than this book.
The rating is a bit off, it was more like 3.5 stars.

I loved Parker, but the whole storyline? Not really. Sometimes the book seemed to go on and on, sometimes (especially the ending) it felt rushed.
I liked that the book included Mac's wedding (and other loose ties) but on the other hand, Parkers story was cut short.

The scene I loved most about this book was when the girls presented Parker with her "perfect wedding dress". It made me cry!

Ich lese gerade

Too Many Cooks: Kitchen Adventures with 1 Mom, 4 Kids, and 102 Recipes
Emily Franklin